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Tuesday, May 2, 2023


It must be clear to all that Hindus worship just ONE God Almighty called OM, defined as "Hari hi Om", and that empowers all various or koti koti demigods (included as fractional parts of just One Cosmic/Virat God), first manifested in Srimad Bhagwad Gita. Gita explains that all various gods/goddesses constituting 'kingdom of God', are just meant for granting specific desired short-term boons which end after living life on earth. Srimad Bhagwad Gita makes it absolutely clear that Central Sanctorum of Virat manifestation (Maha Vishnu) alone, has to be worshipped as "sharnagat" submission with total surrender of ego in order to achieve the the final destination of Moksh/eternal Bliss/Vaikuntha. Thus, Hindus worship innumerable demigods for short term gains in life in this world; only few Brahm gianees get detached from temporary worldly gains and start following Gita advice by performing nishkam karma/selfless duty dedicated to One God Almighty with worship mantra "Hari Om tat sat or Om tat sat Narayana" for achieving Eternal Bliss. Thus, Hinduism is a complete religion in order to achieve best in this world and best thereafter. This information as defined by Gita, is so confidential, that even Vedas did not grasp it and were content with "neti neti/not this - not that" explanation of what and who is God Almighty.Even today Gita knowledge is extremely confidential and difficult to realize/"durlabh" despite the fact that it is openly and widely available to mankind for the last about 5000 years. Most people yet, continue to blindly pursue their ever-changing worldly desires by unwittingly submitting to imperfect-and-perishable gurus, tantricks, prophets, religious heads, innumerable fractional gods/goddesses, etc. Hari hi Om tat sat!

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