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Sunday, January 15, 2023


How ocean spoke to Lord Rama? All gunas/properties/characteristics of everything in the Universe and beyond are set/made by God and rediscovered by men and women of science, art, technology, religion, etc., who may thus contribute to expansion of knowldege by focusing their mind by hardwork, meditation etc. Great scientists, yogees, men/women of focus may also record these discoveries as scriptures like Vedas, Ramayan, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Bible, textbooks, research journals, etc. Those who can concentrate like Lord Rama can hear ocean, wind, vulture,squirrel, tree, etc. Ayurveda knowledge initially came from deep focused conversation with plants by Rishis. Scientists like Kekule could hear/dream about structure of benzene, Newton question an apple to discover gravity. Similarly, even most useless politicians can focus on how to befool maximum numbers of voters by raising human biases, petty gains, distributing freebies, etc., in order to carve out their vote banks and snatch power by hook or crook - biggest threat to democracies. Srimad Bhagavad Gita says that caste is a profession by work and not birth. Krishna was a cowboy (Yadav) turning into a kshatria king later and Maharishi Vyas was a Brahmin by work and not birth. Others for example, Acharya/Guru Vishwamitra was Kshatriya by birth and Brahmin by work, Chandrgupta Morya was Kshatriya by work but not birth; Acharya Kotilya (father of political science and diplomacy) was Vashya by birth and Brahmin by work; Maharishi Valmiki - original author of Ramayan and Guru of Lord Rama's sons was a non-brahmin by birth yet a Brahmin by work. There are other equivalent examples of 'castes' like smith/jadeja, boulanger/baker/cook/khansama/rasoyia, singer/gayakwad. They are all by work and not birth, unless parents coerce their children into family profession and create a fixed caste. Politicians may therefore desist from propagating and legitimizing caste systems in society to divide their people for narrow political vote-bank gains. Democracies must therefore, seriously find a foolproof system to bring people of grit and exemplary character into poltics and cull out blind opportunism in order to deliver good governance, or else perish into oblivion.

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