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Friday, February 10, 2012


The day all our dreams are fulfilled, we evolve into a higher stage of existence with a brand-new set of dreams.

Arrogance plays, when one fails to see one's own-self in the person(s) in front.

It is extremely difficult to tread the right path as, it cuts the way of enumerable wrong-doers.

It is safer to temporarily retract one's wonderful smile if its makes one's peers jealously wonder the reason d'etre, in the best interest of peace in one's circle ('Run-chhor' or exit of battle-field - a strategy taught by Lord Krishna).

If one becomes a selfless warrior for Truth, all problems simply touch and leave. 'My devotee shall not perish' declares God in Gita.

Action/prayer/yajna for welfare of all is a godly act; for own welfare without harming others is humanly; but, harming others is demonic.

Ignorance of eternal Bliss may give rise to infinite possibilities of being happy, happier and happiest - all an illusion of mind or maya.

We eventually tend to become what we admire; real smartness thus lies in admiring perfection/God (derives Gita).

Our selfishness is the only shadow on our enlightenment. Just cut it and realize Truth.

The moment one becomes a detached observer of one's instinctive desires, true wisdom prevails (derives Gita).

Easiest way to surrender one's ego is to fall in love with Perfection/God by directed practice in thought, word and action - recommends Gita.

All creations in this universe are actually searching for their Creator in wild chase of happiness and, eventually vanish into Him upon encounter - Bliss (derives Gita).


  1. If one becomes a selfless warrior for Truth, all problems simply touch and leave. 'My devotee shall not perish' declares God in Gita.

    1. Thanks SnehaKrishna. In order to realize 'thou art God', one has to be detached from all religions and attached to ONE Purest Eternal Truth with Love - exhorts God in Srimad Bhagvad Gita.
