The day all our dreams are fulfilled, we evolve into a higher stage of existence with a brand-new set of dreams.
Arrogance plays, when one fails to see one's own-self in the person(s) in front.
It is extremely difficult to tread the right path as, it cuts the way of enumerable wrong-doers.
It is safer to temporarily retract one's wonderful smile if its makes one's peers jealously wonder the reason d'etre, in the best interest of peace in one's circle ('Run-chhor' or exit of battle-field - a strategy taught by Lord Krishna).
If one becomes a selfless warrior for Truth, all problems simply touch and leave. 'My devotee shall not perish' declares God in Gita.
Action/prayer/yajna for welfare of all is a godly act; for own welfare without harming others is humanly; but, harming others is demonic.
Ignorance of eternal Bliss may give rise to infinite possibilities of being happy, happier and happiest - all an illusion of mind or maya.
We eventually tend to become what we admire; real smartness thus lies in admiring perfection/God (derives Gita).
Our selfishness is the only shadow on our enlightenment. Just cut it and realize Truth.
The moment one becomes a detached observer of one's instinctive desires, true wisdom prevails (derives Gita).
Easiest way to surrender one's ego is to fall in love with Perfection/God by directed practice in thought, word and action - recommends Gita.
All creations in this universe are actually searching for their Creator in wild chase of happiness and, eventually vanish into Him upon encounter - Bliss (derives Gita).
Arrogance plays, when one fails to see one's own-self in the person(s) in front.
It is extremely difficult to tread the right path as, it cuts the way of enumerable wrong-doers.
It is safer to temporarily retract one's wonderful smile if its makes one's peers jealously wonder the reason d'etre, in the best interest of peace in one's circle ('Run-chhor' or exit of battle-field - a strategy taught by Lord Krishna).
If one becomes a selfless warrior for Truth, all problems simply touch and leave. 'My devotee shall not perish' declares God in Gita.
Action/prayer/yajna for welfare of all is a godly act; for own welfare without harming others is humanly; but, harming others is demonic.
Ignorance of eternal Bliss may give rise to infinite possibilities of being happy, happier and happiest - all an illusion of mind or maya.
We eventually tend to become what we admire; real smartness thus lies in admiring perfection/God (derives Gita).
Our selfishness is the only shadow on our enlightenment. Just cut it and realize Truth.
The moment one becomes a detached observer of one's instinctive desires, true wisdom prevails (derives Gita).
Easiest way to surrender one's ego is to fall in love with Perfection/God by directed practice in thought, word and action - recommends Gita.
All creations in this universe are actually searching for their Creator in wild chase of happiness and, eventually vanish into Him upon encounter - Bliss (derives Gita).