Universe was created instataneously, assert ancient wisdom and many other scriptures, including science - popularly known as 'big bang' viewpoint.
There are two levels of existence: 1) material with properties of matter,energy and matter-energy interactions, quite-like what St Einstein concluded as E(energy)=m(mass)cxc(square of velocity of light/radiation) and 2) spiritual: property-less, timeless and spaceless eternal existence. God too acknowldges in own words "Know that I Am the Original Seed of All Existences ... I Am the Life of All that lives ... All states of being are manifestations of My energies...All material nature exists within Me" (Srimad Bhagwad Gita 7.1,7.2 & l.9). This knowledge that nothing exists outside God, makes wise-minds fearless of death and brave to take on all aspects life constructively with confidence. In recent times, Mahatma Gandhi is a good example, who had this wisdom. As per this wisdom, all of us take birth, live/work, die and take re-birth (not necessarity on the same planet again) within infinite God.
On this earth, practically all living-beings desire to be better than their contemporary peers. This is what brings us back to this earth as a re-incarnate with better faculties (evolution). Thus, evolution is the path of growth, we desire in this birth. The only way to tide over desire is the desire of being perfect. Because God alone is perfect, a good seeker has, therefore, to submit ego/identity of present imperfect existence at the feet of eternally blissful ONE God (rather than submitting to imperfect demigods, angels,Godmen, Gurus, and successful persons), exhorts God in Gita. The logic is simple: if we submit (worship) perished or perishable, our a gains are temporary within the time-cycle (Kaal Chakra) of happiness-sadness.
In nutshell, faith alone is not enough, faith in Truth/Perfection/Bliss has got to be cultivated by perseverence in life, rather than opting for short-cuts to transitory success.
Everytime, we miss on Truth for short-cuts to success, we tend to extend our stay in illusion of gain-loss, growth-decay, incremental advantages of evolution.
God's logic is our logic too; login to Truth and verify your real credentials. Hyothetically, if i have to appear to my best performing body cell, i shall have to take form of same cell in its neibourhood; only then the dedicated hard-working cell shall feel blessed. Similary, water animals may see God in a big fish (Meen-avataar), amphibians in a big tortoise (Kachchyap-avatar), animals in a big wild boar (Varah-avatar) or lion-headed man (Narshingh-avatar), pigmies in universe-striding shortee (Vaaman-avatar), women in all-conquerring beauty (VishvaMohini avatar), tough men in muscle-king (Purshu-avatar), good men in law-abiding lovable man (Ram-avatar) and wisest humans in all-knowing human-cum-God form (Krishn-avatar). At each re-incarnation, God has got to be re-born within His own Cosmic form (Viraat Brahm).
When is reincarnation possible? I think that only in a virtual environment ???