Ancient scriptures declare: God alone exists without any beginning, middle and end. Creation, maintenace and destruction (trinity of management) of universe is God's child-play and He infuses His infinite consciousness into finite identies of greater (Maha-Devs) and smaller (Devs) gods and innumerable other demi-conscious beings. Scriptures have estimated that about 330 million permanent demi-gods (Devs or angels) and about 8.4 million perishable living forms work constantly to help mangement-trinity, to run the show - we call our universe. As and when these levels of consciousness express separate identies - they represent quantization of a continuum of consciousness which, scriptures refer to, as the Greatest Truth (Param-Satya). By expressing individualistic identies, all levels of consciousness become duty-bound in their characteristic pattern - basically all working in this universe - apparently for personal gain. About 8.4 million protoplasmic earthlings perform their duty on earth during their early (latent), middle (growth) and end (decay) phases of their life's growth curve. With a suitable intermission (death), the consciousness is reborn with better and better attributes (evolution). Ego-satisfaction, material achievements, comforts and beauty of life are some of the hidden driving forces that make all beings duty-bound. Because of this confirmed intermission, protoplasmic quanta are made to realize that they were doing their duty as mere watchmen and not owners. Those who remain attached to their achievements of the past have to suffer more pain of life than others. A sense of detachment is therefore, necessary to get the best of this quantized existence of life: exhorts Gita.
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Real smartness lies in being genuinely honest.
Unless hearts melt, nothing happens except a deal.
No good saying is any worth, unless implemented.
Corruption in any society brings thieves and criminals on the top.
Selfishness is the major cause of chaos in this life.
"Survival of the fittest" may be the law of evolution but, has no justification for uncivilized human behaviour.
Powerful minds may matter now but, great minds matter always.
"To err is human" if subjected to correction and not a cover for justification of errors.
He, Who permeates everywhere as Omnipresent and All-knowing, knows our real intention of mind, word and action - implies Gita.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Most religions on earth claim that God is formless, and yet, all-powerful/omnipotent. Logic says, the moment our mind accepts that God cannot have form, we reduce at least one of His powers. Ancient wisdom stresses that all forms are indeed God's own forms - which tentamounts to essentially being formless. Yet, it lists 330 million functional forms of God (Raghunaath temple in Jammu, India clearly shows them physically).
Srimad Bhagwad Gita, the only scripture that describes God in first person with logical reasoning, dwells on this point. Gita certifies that worship of God in form or formless, invariable reaches God. At the same time, Gita asserts that all selfless-work,worship, meditation, perseverence, and penance - by thought, word and action - is indeed worship of God and that it MUST be dedicated to God with love. Thus, dedication can be done only by sharing fruit of actions with all beings with love - in line with the principle: 'all beings are one family or Vasudev kutumbkam' - share with friends, enemies and strangers alike (like our stomach shares food with all body organs and cells). Dedication of karma to formless God is thus very difficult for everyone to achieve: asserts Gita.
An amicable method of dedication of all activity of life on earth to God - the real dooer/'karta-purukh' is through an ETERNAL form of God, if any. Forms of All God's avatars including Krishna Himself, great teachers and religious guides are not eternal in their respective forms and cannot, therefore, be worshipped for eternal bliss.
In Gita, this riddle - which form to worship - was dealt with at length, as the ardent devotee represented in Arjun was a great thinker and questioner. After teaching vividly the code of ethics and conduct for man on earth, the brilliant teacher in Krishna, revealed Arjun (and few others, committed to Truth) a unique un-matched COSMIC/'BRAHM' experience of God revealing light of uncountable suns shining together (something like science calls, big-bang). From that brilliance appeared innumerable forms (pleaseant/unpleasant) all-fusing into one Virat form. Seeing Arjun scared to death, a pleasant smiling, loving and blessing Vishnu-form appeared and Arjun was enlightened to see that and requested again and again to see this form and, God obliged him and advised that, this Vishnu/Hari form can be worshipped as complete/'Purna' God or at par with Absolute "Par-Brahm-Parmeshwar' or "Param-Brahm". Krishna also made it clear that this 'knowledge of knowledge' is highly confidential, even to demigods and angels because they do not surrender there false ego of indivdualistic existence. Somuch so, egoistic king, Dhritrashtra, refused to accept this God's wisdom, despite being specially made available to him through his rath-driver, Sanjay and thus suffered extremely heavy losses.
Our own nature is such that we always show our smiling and pleasant face as acceptable representative of all our important body parts including brain, heart, arms, feet etc. Thus Gita advises that Lord Vishnu can be worshipped as representing the face of centre-sanctorum of infinite God for eternal bliss. Other parts (demigods,angels, etc) of God are only functional specializations for fulfilling temporary desires within the realm of perishable creation. Even prominent parts of Virat, thus change their forms upon being worshipped for bliss e.g. Mahadev becomes "lingam", Brahmaji shows ageing with white beard, Ma Shakti turns into Vashnavi/Durga, Ma Saraswati/knowledge disppears into realization, Lord Ganesh is resurrected as elephant-headed, Shiva-incarnate assumes monkey-headed Hanuman-form, etc. Thus Gita concludes: Complete God can be worshipped for eternal bliss, as clout of all powers and energies as a bright luminous sphere "Shaligram" or God's own favorite human face Lord Vishnu, depending on person's intellecutual calibre. Saints like Guru Nanak thus declared "Poora Prabhu araadhiaye, Poore de gun gai" meaning worhip only COMPLETE GOD for achieving bliss.
Srimad Bhagwad Gita, the only scripture that describes God in first person with logical reasoning, dwells on this point. Gita certifies that worship of God in form or formless, invariable reaches God. At the same time, Gita asserts that all selfless-work,worship, meditation, perseverence, and penance - by thought, word and action - is indeed worship of God and that it MUST be dedicated to God with love. Thus, dedication can be done only by sharing fruit of actions with all beings with love - in line with the principle: 'all beings are one family or Vasudev kutumbkam' - share with friends, enemies and strangers alike (like our stomach shares food with all body organs and cells). Dedication of karma to formless God is thus very difficult for everyone to achieve: asserts Gita.
An amicable method of dedication of all activity of life on earth to God - the real dooer/'karta-purukh' is through an ETERNAL form of God, if any. Forms of All God's avatars including Krishna Himself, great teachers and religious guides are not eternal in their respective forms and cannot, therefore, be worshipped for eternal bliss.
In Gita, this riddle - which form to worship - was dealt with at length, as the ardent devotee represented in Arjun was a great thinker and questioner. After teaching vividly the code of ethics and conduct for man on earth, the brilliant teacher in Krishna, revealed Arjun (and few others, committed to Truth) a unique un-matched COSMIC/'BRAHM' experience of God revealing light of uncountable suns shining together (something like science calls, big-bang). From that brilliance appeared innumerable forms (pleaseant/unpleasant) all-fusing into one Virat form. Seeing Arjun scared to death, a pleasant smiling, loving and blessing Vishnu-form appeared and Arjun was enlightened to see that and requested again and again to see this form and, God obliged him and advised that, this Vishnu/Hari form can be worshipped as complete/'Purna' God or at par with Absolute "Par-Brahm-Parmeshwar' or "Param-Brahm". Krishna also made it clear that this 'knowledge of knowledge' is highly confidential, even to demigods and angels because they do not surrender there false ego of indivdualistic existence. Somuch so, egoistic king, Dhritrashtra, refused to accept this God's wisdom, despite being specially made available to him through his rath-driver, Sanjay and thus suffered extremely heavy losses.
Our own nature is such that we always show our smiling and pleasant face as acceptable representative of all our important body parts including brain, heart, arms, feet etc. Thus Gita advises that Lord Vishnu can be worshipped as representing the face of centre-sanctorum of infinite God for eternal bliss. Other parts (demigods,angels, etc) of God are only functional specializations for fulfilling temporary desires within the realm of perishable creation. Even prominent parts of Virat, thus change their forms upon being worshipped for bliss e.g. Mahadev becomes "lingam", Brahmaji shows ageing with white beard, Ma Shakti turns into Vashnavi/Durga, Ma Saraswati/knowledge disppears into realization, Lord Ganesh is resurrected as elephant-headed, Shiva-incarnate assumes monkey-headed Hanuman-form, etc. Thus Gita concludes: Complete God can be worshipped for eternal bliss, as clout of all powers and energies as a bright luminous sphere "Shaligram" or God's own favorite human face Lord Vishnu, depending on person's intellecutual calibre. Saints like Guru Nanak thus declared "Poora Prabhu araadhiaye, Poore de gun gai" meaning worhip only COMPLETE GOD for achieving bliss.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Universe was created instataneously, assert ancient wisdom and many other scriptures, including science - popularly known as 'big bang' viewpoint.
There are two levels of existence: 1) material with properties of matter,energy and matter-energy interactions, quite-like what St Einstein concluded as E(energy)=m(mass)cxc(square of velocity of light/radiation) and 2) spiritual: property-less, timeless and spaceless eternal existence. God too acknowldges in own words "Know that I Am the Original Seed of All Existences ... I Am the Life of All that lives ... All states of being are manifestations of My energies...All material nature exists within Me" (Srimad Bhagwad Gita 7.1,7.2 & l.9). This knowledge that nothing exists outside God, makes wise-minds fearless of death and brave to take on all aspects life constructively with confidence. In recent times, Mahatma Gandhi is a good example, who had this wisdom. As per this wisdom, all of us take birth, live/work, die and take re-birth (not necessarity on the same planet again) within infinite God.
On this earth, practically all living-beings desire to be better than their contemporary peers. This is what brings us back to this earth as a re-incarnate with better faculties (evolution). Thus, evolution is the path of growth, we desire in this birth. The only way to tide over desire is the desire of being perfect. Because God alone is perfect, a good seeker has, therefore, to submit ego/identity of present imperfect existence at the feet of eternally blissful ONE God (rather than submitting to imperfect demigods, angels,Godmen, Gurus, and successful persons), exhorts God in Gita. The logic is simple: if we submit (worship) perished or perishable, our a gains are temporary within the time-cycle (Kaal Chakra) of happiness-sadness.
In nutshell, faith alone is not enough, faith in Truth/Perfection/Bliss has got to be cultivated by perseverence in life, rather than opting for short-cuts to transitory success.
Everytime, we miss on Truth for short-cuts to success, we tend to extend our stay in illusion of gain-loss, growth-decay, incremental advantages of evolution.
God's logic is our logic too; login to Truth and verify your real credentials. Hyothetically, if i have to appear to my best performing body cell, i shall have to take form of same cell in its neibourhood; only then the dedicated hard-working cell shall feel blessed. Similary, water animals may see God in a big fish (Meen-avataar), amphibians in a big tortoise (Kachchyap-avatar), animals in a big wild boar (Varah-avatar) or lion-headed man (Narshingh-avatar), pigmies in universe-striding shortee (Vaaman-avatar), women in all-conquerring beauty (VishvaMohini avatar), tough men in muscle-king (Purshu-avatar), good men in law-abiding lovable man (Ram-avatar) and wisest humans in all-knowing human-cum-God form (Krishn-avatar). At each re-incarnation, God has got to be re-born within His own Cosmic form (Viraat Brahm).
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Just as i live in all my cells of body with varied expressions of DNA, God lives in each and every part of the universe expressing as a variety of cause-and-effect phenomena.
Just as my body cells may not understand as to whom they are working for; likewise we do not realize for whom we are really working. Such confidentiality of God is clearly mentioned in Bhagwad Gita.
Like our parents have given their genes to us fixing our limits of performance, God has given His soul to all the variety of living-beings fixing their material-limits of work.
All the work being done by all the beings, though perpetuated by reward and punishment (carrot and rod) principle, is actually fired by an unseen search-engine looking for some hidden truth.
Science looks for the same truth in its virtual image-plane of creation/universe, which a committed spiritualist seeks beyond-creation (Par-Brahm) and gets in touch with the Creator soul-to-soul. Thus, not finding the object in the image-plane, some scientists discard God.
Just superficially performing our duty as a mere means of getting material comforts as millionaires, billionaires or trillionaires may lead us into a realm of oblivious relativism - missing completely on Absolute/Bliss/Truth.
Just as my body cells may not understand as to whom they are working for; likewise we do not realize for whom we are really working. Such confidentiality of God is clearly mentioned in Bhagwad Gita.
Like our parents have given their genes to us fixing our limits of performance, God has given His soul to all the variety of living-beings fixing their material-limits of work.
All the work being done by all the beings, though perpetuated by reward and punishment (carrot and rod) principle, is actually fired by an unseen search-engine looking for some hidden truth.
Science looks for the same truth in its virtual image-plane of creation/universe, which a committed spiritualist seeks beyond-creation (Par-Brahm) and gets in touch with the Creator soul-to-soul. Thus, not finding the object in the image-plane, some scientists discard God.
Just superficially performing our duty as a mere means of getting material comforts as millionaires, billionaires or trillionaires may lead us into a realm of oblivious relativism - missing completely on Absolute/Bliss/Truth.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The whole universe (brahmand) is like a baby (Brahmaji) of God Almighty (Param Brahm Parmeshwar, Sri Hari) opening like a Lotus(Kamal-Naabham) of dazzling light of uncountable suns shining (like science imagines it as "big-bang") in the naval of Aadi-Purush (Eternal Teenage Boy) with His Love Aadi-Shakti/Mother Nature, located in the left-side (heart). Gita certifies that This Parent-form (Param-PitaMa) appeared to His loved devotees Arjun, Sanjay,Maharishi Vyaas and hordes of angels - in a form described as Lord Vishnu in the ancient scriptures. Vishnu Image of Father of creation is above time and space. As facial hair represent growth and change, Lord Vishnu's image does not reveal mouche or beard. Time is represented on His one hand as a wheel of beautiful light (Sudarshan Chakra). Space is represented in His other hand as vibration OM from Conch shell. His management-control is represented by a decorative kingly weapon, mace/Gadha in His third hand. Father blesses His universe with a Lotus-holding palm. Lotus represents all the wherewithal required in this universe. Father's soul is universally present as consciousness of all beings. Thus our soul too is eternal like our Father. Opening of the lotus flower brings in change with time, that modern science understands as entropy of expanding universe. Like a baby in the womb connected via an umbilical chord of our mother, constant care is being bestowed on all beings from this Mother-Father, we know as God. God declares in Gita: ' I treat all living-beings, no-matter how small or big, as equal'. Therefore, devotees see God's soul in all living-beings that generates in their heart a universal love. Such devotees, know that creation of universe is God's play and provides work (duty to manage own share of matter & energy, for the welfare of all) to all conscious beings. Such devotees accept their assigned duty in the principle given by God in Gita: 'work is worship as the best dedication to God'. Our Father is Truth or Eternity, Consciousness or all-knowing and Blissful - SatChitAnand and devotees who realize this become fearless or Abhaya, because they know that our soul too is an eternal blissful truth and nothing can happen to us and recite "Vande Vishnum bhava bhaya harnam, sarva loka Naatham" ie Bow to Vishnu, Lord and Master of all the worlds, who grants us immunity against fear of adversity.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Love is universal for well-being of all, whereas attachment is personal and selfish.
Biggest disservice one can do to one's children is giving them ill-gotten wealth. Here, attachment overtakes love.
If a catalyst stays attached to its products of action/work, it becomes useless. Thus, perform and move ahead.
When, one gets attached to success of the time, one stagnates at mediocrity.
Principle of 'cause and effect' just sustains routine duty; for Bliss seek beyond the routine.
This universe is just a kaleidoscopic view of permutations and combinations of about 110 kinds of atoms; there is simply nothing to be attached to it.
Wise, who realize being an integral part of ONE Virat God, are detached from their routine of birth ,life, death, resurrection in hell or heaven.
Those, who are obsessed about ego of the present identity and cannot get rid of the pride of attachment to the present, become ghosts - souls living in the past (derives from Srimad Bhagvad Gita).
Biggest disservice one can do to one's children is giving them ill-gotten wealth. Here, attachment overtakes love.
If a catalyst stays attached to its products of action/work, it becomes useless. Thus, perform and move ahead.
When, one gets attached to success of the time, one stagnates at mediocrity.
Principle of 'cause and effect' just sustains routine duty; for Bliss seek beyond the routine.
This universe is just a kaleidoscopic view of permutations and combinations of about 110 kinds of atoms; there is simply nothing to be attached to it.
Wise, who realize being an integral part of ONE Virat God, are detached from their routine of birth ,life, death, resurrection in hell or heaven.
Those, who are obsessed about ego of the present identity and cannot get rid of the pride of attachment to the present, become ghosts - souls living in the past (derives from Srimad Bhagvad Gita).
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Raavan's father over-charged (misdeed of greed) Lord Shiva by asking the golden Lanka palace, Lord Shiva had created for His consort, Parvati, as undue-fee of holy rituals performed for the palace-inauguration.
Raavan kidnapped Lakshmi-avatar Sita in a sly-deed to forcibly make her the queen of golden Lanka.
These manuplative successes of Raavan and his father, resulted in the annihilation of their third and forth generations. Mahadev (Lord Shiva) became Mahakaal/Mahaveer Hanuman to burn golden palace into ashes. Truth (God/Satya Narayan), that was violated in such manipulative successes achieved by the Raavan and his supporters took form of an ordinary-man/AAM AADMI, Sri RAAM, who exercised his law-bound powers and withdrew His blessing of soul/aatma from all cohorts and family-members of Raavan except the lover of Truth and Raavan's discipllined younger brother, Vibheeshan. Vibheeshan was coronated as king of Lanka by Raam to mark that only 'PURE should rule/raaj kare ga khaalas'.
Evil-minded people on this earth may disregard this wisdom as a myth, but Mahatma Gandhi always loved and thought about the poor ordinary man/aam aadmi as God's loved-incarnations and referred to them as 'Daridra/poor Narayan'.
Raavan kidnapped Lakshmi-avatar Sita in a sly-deed to forcibly make her the queen of golden Lanka.
These manuplative successes of Raavan and his father, resulted in the annihilation of their third and forth generations. Mahadev (Lord Shiva) became Mahakaal/Mahaveer Hanuman to burn golden palace into ashes. Truth (God/Satya Narayan), that was violated in such manipulative successes achieved by the Raavan and his supporters took form of an ordinary-man/AAM AADMI, Sri RAAM, who exercised his law-bound powers and withdrew His blessing of soul/aatma from all cohorts and family-members of Raavan except the lover of Truth and Raavan's discipllined younger brother, Vibheeshan. Vibheeshan was coronated as king of Lanka by Raam to mark that only 'PURE should rule/raaj kare ga khaalas'.
Evil-minded people on this earth may disregard this wisdom as a myth, but Mahatma Gandhi always loved and thought about the poor ordinary man/aam aadmi as God's loved-incarnations and referred to them as 'Daridra/poor Narayan'.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Jealousy is an evolutionery remnant still surving in man, reminding us of our animal origin: that is it, and no more.
Pursuing jealousy in thought, word and action among children of brothers, fueled by selfish relatives, resulted in the Kurukshetra war of Mahabharat fame.
Failing to appreciate merit of contemporaries is the first sign of jealousy. It can be ignored as a vestige of evolution and snubbed by conscious mind.
Wisdom acquired through logic and cool mind, is the best way to stop oneself from becoming vulnerable to practice of jealousy.
Practise of jealousy leads to strife with truth and loss of peace of mind to hell.
As Truth is God, jealousy hinders us in realizing God.
'Because, you are NOT an ENVIOUS man (Arjun), I shall reveal you My True Nature of Infinite Energies and Infinite Forms, which knowledge is confidential even for angels/demi-gods' said Krishna. Absence of jealousy, thus was the qualification of man (Arjun) to realize God as LIGHT of infinite suns shining together (big bang in science) and all-forms in ONE Virat Brahm.
Pursuing jealousy in thought, word and action among children of brothers, fueled by selfish relatives, resulted in the Kurukshetra war of Mahabharat fame.
Failing to appreciate merit of contemporaries is the first sign of jealousy. It can be ignored as a vestige of evolution and snubbed by conscious mind.
Wisdom acquired through logic and cool mind, is the best way to stop oneself from becoming vulnerable to practice of jealousy.
Practise of jealousy leads to strife with truth and loss of peace of mind to hell.
As Truth is God, jealousy hinders us in realizing God.
'Because, you are NOT an ENVIOUS man (Arjun), I shall reveal you My True Nature of Infinite Energies and Infinite Forms, which knowledge is confidential even for angels/demi-gods' said Krishna. Absence of jealousy, thus was the qualification of man (Arjun) to realize God as LIGHT of infinite suns shining together (big bang in science) and all-forms in ONE Virat Brahm.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
In the long-run, success cannot be counted from how many people endorsed us; it also has to stand the test of timeless Truth.
Our success can be permanent only if it is attached to or dedicated to Permanent/Truth/God.
Stability of mankind rests on the shoulders of conscientious people - powerful or powerless, successful or failures.
Never give an alibi to Truth in order to succeed because thence, our life is reduced to paraphernalia.
We have already proved our fitness to succeed in surviving through evolution of species; now is the time for wisdom sans animalism.
Our success can be permanent only if it is attached to or dedicated to Permanent/Truth/God.
Stability of mankind rests on the shoulders of conscientious people - powerful or powerless, successful or failures.
Never give an alibi to Truth in order to succeed because thence, our life is reduced to paraphernalia.
We have already proved our fitness to succeed in surviving through evolution of species; now is the time for wisdom sans animalism.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Real smartness lies in being humble.
Selfishness has no end; those who dug it deep, found themselves in the grave.
People often remembered in this world are either heros or villians - choice is ours.
Everybody around us has good, average or bad points. Inspire good points to make a point in life.
Manipulation perhaps, can get one everything except true love.
When love begets love, care follows naturally.
Everyone is invariably linked to one's enemy closely, remotely, directly or indirectly: thus must pardon one's enemy before quitting this world.
Heaven or earth, do the best to serve the rest (derives from Bhagwad Gita).
Falsely blaming others is the height of irresponsibility.
True love commands all, because it demands nothing.
Why suffer, when we have a standing offer from Father/God to surrender ego and enjoy bliss (derives Gita).
Selfishness has no end; those who dug it deep, found themselves in the grave.
People often remembered in this world are either heros or villians - choice is ours.
Everybody around us has good, average or bad points. Inspire good points to make a point in life.
Manipulation perhaps, can get one everything except true love.
When love begets love, care follows naturally.
Everyone is invariably linked to one's enemy closely, remotely, directly or indirectly: thus must pardon one's enemy before quitting this world.
Heaven or earth, do the best to serve the rest (derives from Bhagwad Gita).
Falsely blaming others is the height of irresponsibility.
True love commands all, because it demands nothing.
Why suffer, when we have a standing offer from Father/God to surrender ego and enjoy bliss (derives Gita).
Monday, March 14, 2011
Creation, maintenance and destruction of universe is the child-play of God. Wise, therefore, stay focused on God.
ONE who stays in permanent state of bliss is God. All else, varying in time and space is illusion/maayaa - derives Gita.
Egoistic beings, who ignore God, only choose to evolve via 8.4 million identities through cycles of protoplasmic birth, life and death, till they surrender their ego.
Anyone can boast on peers of achieved peaks of glory and success; however, change is the innate nature of all temporary existence.
No-one can cheat God, as He alone exists in fact: in you, me, he, she, it, etc.
Achievements not dedicated to God, prove ultimately, obstacles and ego-skirmishes. Because it is He, Who actually inspires, executes and succeeds in us.
Let our strategy to bliss not stop at the level of religiosity, preachers, gurus and prophets.
It is wiser to unite in the Name of ONE God, than to divide in multplicity of religions: derives Bhagwad Gita.
ONE who stays in permanent state of bliss is God. All else, varying in time and space is illusion/maayaa - derives Gita.
Egoistic beings, who ignore God, only choose to evolve via 8.4 million identities through cycles of protoplasmic birth, life and death, till they surrender their ego.
Anyone can boast on peers of achieved peaks of glory and success; however, change is the innate nature of all temporary existence.
No-one can cheat God, as He alone exists in fact: in you, me, he, she, it, etc.
Achievements not dedicated to God, prove ultimately, obstacles and ego-skirmishes. Because it is He, Who actually inspires, executes and succeeds in us.
Let our strategy to bliss not stop at the level of religiosity, preachers, gurus and prophets.
It is wiser to unite in the Name of ONE God, than to divide in multplicity of religions: derives Bhagwad Gita.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The only password to bliss is Truth - followed in thought, word and action - and the achiever is called beautiful: declares ancient wisdom ('Satyam Shivam Sundram').
Love for Truth is true love. True love is so selfless that it has no desire of fulfilment, as desire has nothing to do with true love.
Nobody on this earth is really great; it is only certain moments of right decisions and right actions that the peers, start regarding them as great. Recipe for greatness: be our own observer.
Varieties of dogmas of varieties of religions have almost alienated simple-hearted humans from natural love of God, emanating from heart: declares God in Gita.
Either a living-being/jeev fulfills approximately all 330 million desires granted by 330 million angels- growth via evolution or surrenders all desires- journey of jeev to Shiv to achieve Bliss. Choice is ours.
Centre of creation is ONE/ABSLOLUTE/GOD. Rest/periphery is only for our entertaninment and smiles/maayaa, but certainly not for our attachment: exhorts Bhagwad Geeta.
All creation is in the realm of time and space and thus is relative/in-complete/vikrit. The Centre of creation alone is real and complete/nirvikar: declares Gita. Gurbaani endorses 'Poora Prabhu araadhyiae, poorae de gun gaaye'.
Recall Him anytime, anywhere, anyhow - He lives in our heart and loves us most - declares He in Gita.
Love for Truth is true love. True love is so selfless that it has no desire of fulfilment, as desire has nothing to do with true love.
Nobody on this earth is really great; it is only certain moments of right decisions and right actions that the peers, start regarding them as great. Recipe for greatness: be our own observer.
Varieties of dogmas of varieties of religions have almost alienated simple-hearted humans from natural love of God, emanating from heart: declares God in Gita.
Either a living-being/jeev fulfills approximately all 330 million desires granted by 330 million angels- growth via evolution or surrenders all desires- journey of jeev to Shiv to achieve Bliss. Choice is ours.
Centre of creation is ONE/ABSLOLUTE/GOD. Rest/periphery is only for our entertaninment and smiles/maayaa, but certainly not for our attachment: exhorts Bhagwad Geeta.
All creation is in the realm of time and space and thus is relative/in-complete/vikrit. The Centre of creation alone is real and complete/nirvikar: declares Gita. Gurbaani endorses 'Poora Prabhu araadhyiae, poorae de gun gaaye'.
Recall Him anytime, anywhere, anyhow - He lives in our heart and loves us most - declares He in Gita.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Holy bible advises us to love our enemy. Gita too, exhorts us to treat our friends and enemies alike and impartially. These words of guidance arise from one root that there are no enemies. Anybody who tries to thwart our efforts is not necessarily an enemy. Two points arise from this: one, our so called enemy is trying level-best to inform us about our flaws which need to be set right; second he also reflects his own flaws that need to be attended. Basically, selfishness coupled-to-ego is the usual cause which takes a deadly form of enmity. Budha, Jesus and Gandhi tried to deal with this problem with love, compassion and non-violence. Once our so-called enemy is convinced that we truly love him/her, life on earth shall automatically become what we expect it to be in paradise.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Knowlege, even of ten heads put together, if not dedicated to truth can only lead one to become a demon like Raavan.
With the passage of time, religions may be reduced to mythology, but God shall continue to be the same changeless ever-relevant eternal Truth. Thus, religions rarely ever groom for a tryst with God.
Maturity of mind is reflected from our admiring the variety of people/life around and enjoying us being an integral part of this variety. It is thus hightime, that selfish people stop dividing and inciting people in the name of God.
As we like our own qualities in others, best strategy is to see our own image in all living-beings. As long as we relish own superiority to our peers, we remain within the realm of relativity, and thus cannot realize our infinite nature.
The sole purpose of wisdom is to enable us to realize our liminations, as the pride of imperfections is the malaise known as ego.
Failure is a virtual success provided one repeats the efforts sincerely to correct the mistakes committed. Easy success may only fuel the ego.
All activity in this world is inching us towards self-realization - whether we know or not - those who know, dedicate it to God and realize Him.
Always keep in mind that any alternative to truth is only an apology.
With the passage of time, religions may be reduced to mythology, but God shall continue to be the same changeless ever-relevant eternal Truth. Thus, religions rarely ever groom for a tryst with God.
Maturity of mind is reflected from our admiring the variety of people/life around and enjoying us being an integral part of this variety. It is thus hightime, that selfish people stop dividing and inciting people in the name of God.
As we like our own qualities in others, best strategy is to see our own image in all living-beings. As long as we relish own superiority to our peers, we remain within the realm of relativity, and thus cannot realize our infinite nature.
The sole purpose of wisdom is to enable us to realize our liminations, as the pride of imperfections is the malaise known as ego.
Failure is a virtual success provided one repeats the efforts sincerely to correct the mistakes committed. Easy success may only fuel the ego.
All activity in this world is inching us towards self-realization - whether we know or not - those who know, dedicate it to God and realize Him.
Always keep in mind that any alternative to truth is only an apology.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
If our strategy is not to establish truth and justice in our society, all our actions are mere manipulations - groping in the dark: exhorts Srimad Bhagwad Gita.
The only purpose of tension is calling upon the mind to attend to an important duty, we have ignored to our convenience.
Greatness, when flaunted only reflects a small mind; it fluorisces without any certification.
The sole cause of jealousy lies in our failure to see ourselves in smiles and happiness of others. This is the worst kind of self-inflicted punishment.
When power ceases to establish truth, that becomes the beginning of its end.
As long as one trades truth to buy happiness, there is simply no chance to realize bliss.
Our ego of limited identity and unsatiable worldly desires only make us miss on God, despite being deeply religious: exhorts Gita.
If one cannot forgive one's detractors during life-time, one has got to be born again to settle scores: derived from Gita.
Cleverness cannot beget or win true love; here, innocence alone works best.
If, one cannot detatch oneself from the world; one simply cannot enjoy it as an observer or a visitor - one has got to become a sufferer of its bondage as a prisoner (Gita).
Always remember that we are only atomically linked to impermanent Nature/maaya but atmically/through soul to God for eternity: exhorts Gita.
There is no need to be dependent too much on science and religion, as they both sing the glories of ONE and the same TRUTH, which they do not comprehend.
The only purpose of tension is calling upon the mind to attend to an important duty, we have ignored to our convenience.
Greatness, when flaunted only reflects a small mind; it fluorisces without any certification.
The sole cause of jealousy lies in our failure to see ourselves in smiles and happiness of others. This is the worst kind of self-inflicted punishment.
When power ceases to establish truth, that becomes the beginning of its end.
As long as one trades truth to buy happiness, there is simply no chance to realize bliss.
Our ego of limited identity and unsatiable worldly desires only make us miss on God, despite being deeply religious: exhorts Gita.
If one cannot forgive one's detractors during life-time, one has got to be born again to settle scores: derived from Gita.
Cleverness cannot beget or win true love; here, innocence alone works best.
If, one cannot detatch oneself from the world; one simply cannot enjoy it as an observer or a visitor - one has got to become a sufferer of its bondage as a prisoner (Gita).
Always remember that we are only atomically linked to impermanent Nature/maaya but atmically/through soul to God for eternity: exhorts Gita.
There is no need to be dependent too much on science and religion, as they both sing the glories of ONE and the same TRUTH, which they do not comprehend.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
On this earth, all living-beings - from virus to man - are constantly trying to establish supremacy of own transitory identities over one another as right to globe.
To err is natural and excusable, but to insist on fault is ego - that holds us back from further progress.
Many may steal ideas/work/achievements/wealth of others to become 'rich and famous', but they cannot taste bliss that emanates from detachment.
The greatest surpise is to believe that we live for now only.
We insist catering to our egos un-necessarily, despite we know that our protoplasmic identity is just a part of the food-chain of the living-world to devour.
The apparent fight between good and evil (dev-asur war or struggle of life) continues on and on till we surrender our egos of present temporary identiy at the feet of Absolute Truth/God: derives from Gita.
If you are happy - say i love You, if unhappy - say i hate You and if bored - say i miss You God. Must we cultivate a direct one-to-one relationship with God, who alone exists in us as permanent soul.
Life is a journey of soul, carrying our luggage - mind, body and possessions. The best way to travel is to make habbit of greeting the co-travellers with smiles sans frown. Happy journey!
To err is natural and excusable, but to insist on fault is ego - that holds us back from further progress.
Many may steal ideas/work/achievements/wealth of others to become 'rich and famous', but they cannot taste bliss that emanates from detachment.
The greatest surpise is to believe that we live for now only.
We insist catering to our egos un-necessarily, despite we know that our protoplasmic identity is just a part of the food-chain of the living-world to devour.
The apparent fight between good and evil (dev-asur war or struggle of life) continues on and on till we surrender our egos of present temporary identiy at the feet of Absolute Truth/God: derives from Gita.
If you are happy - say i love You, if unhappy - say i hate You and if bored - say i miss You God. Must we cultivate a direct one-to-one relationship with God, who alone exists in us as permanent soul.
Life is a journey of soul, carrying our luggage - mind, body and possessions. The best way to travel is to make habbit of greeting the co-travellers with smiles sans frown. Happy journey!
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