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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


When we miss on Truth, all information gathered has to be eventually discarded as noise.

When one realizes Truth, one cannot differentiate zero from infinity.

Always keep one part for the present, another for future and the rest for eternity - our true nature.

All our memory sans Truth shall prove redundant.

A questioning mind, maybe unknowingly but, is invariably searching Truth.

Truth faces maximum struggle, but cannot be defeated because it is Truth.

Meaning of Truth shall never change, even if, time and space cease to exist.

If law has to be just two words, these would be Truth and justice.

'I am Truth' declares God in Srimad Bhagwad Gita.


  1. beautiful words mamaji ... but i have a few thoughts on truth that I have put down in my blog ...
    Will love to have your comments ... love -- Priya

  2. Thanks Priya. I have read your blog and agree with you, to the extent, that practising truth in present day-today life seems impractical, as it makes our lives very difficult. However, in this age, where success is counted only materially, a seeker of Truth has to make his approach selflessly-strategic in the sense that one's intentions (actions may appear otherwise) must be for establising Truth, without necessarily appearing to be a stickler of Truth. Gita teaches such a strategy. One prominent follower if such an approach in recent times was Mahatma Gandhi.
