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Monday, October 25, 2010


GOD alone is ABSOULTE. God's creation is relative - subject to time, space and substance. All beings are rightfully confident in their own trasit identities because, they all are part and parcel of ONE God.  Visible universe is only a tip of the iceberg of God's creation. A much larger invisible part of creation exerts its influence on the visible universe. Man is always studying this process through wisdom of science and religion. Thus, science and religion have no authority to claim understanding God or His creation and, have thusfar, only created diversity from unity. Therefore, sole purpose of a religion is to make man a goodman, failing which its whole purpose is defeated. Similarly, sole purpose of temple/church/mosque/altar for a man is to learn to bow and shed un-necessary ego of identity, failing which these places are likely to be misused to create discord among believers of God. A section of people, who are atrociously ambitious, have always tried to misuse both science and reilgions to their selfish advantage to rise to power and enjoy undue resources. They are the demons of the times. Intellectuals of all societies of the world have to be duty-bound to spot such demonic individuals and inform the society in time, so as to minimize conflict among peace-loving majority of the world. Press and media must highlight good values so as to cooperate in world peace.

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