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Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Man of year 2010 knows more about life on earth than life, if any, elsewhere. As a dedicated seeker, man has been trying to understand existence, more than any other visible being on earth. Like scientists of today, who can only conclude total existence as matter, energy and matter-energy interactions can by far, view life as metabolism. Vedic civilization applied mind on this aspect, more than 5000 years ago, and reached the conclusion that the whole universe (all galaxies of the universe) is an egg(anda) of God(Brahman), called Brahmanda. Vedic explantion of existence was enunciated as "like body like universe/yatha pinde tatha brahmande". This statement practically means that the whole universe can be viewed within the human body. Science, however, tends to view the universe outside us, which then has to comprehend distances in terms of light years (time taken by light to travel in years). What science observes are the events that took place millions of years ago; thus it lacks in the current state of affairs. Whereas, concentrating mind in meditation, seemingly encompasses time as a meagre dimension of change. Thus relativity (science) and spirituality (timeless) complement each other. Both science and spirituality may thus respect each other mutually and rediscover what we call existence.

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