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Friday, December 23, 2022
Dreams are a means to discharge surplus information stored in the brain - just like a 'delete' function in computers. Most of the dreams are therefore, 'weird'. So is the universe - weird. All Universe is a creation/imagination and not reality - Ancient Wisdom. In order to transcend the Universe, rockets or quantum-speed is not enough. 'One has to submit to Truth (lotus feet of Sri Hari) and not any tortuous 'wormhole' to transcend creation/universe to travel across (par-brahm) the happenings "Sindhu bina jal jaan or Bhavsagar" or Universe to meet the Real (Par-brahmn Parmeshwar). As long as scientists have decided to fathom creation/nature, it is their Choice of worship of the Creator ( one way to admire a painter is to admire his/her paining), as "Work is Worship - Srimad Bhagvad Gita". One can fathom infinity only by submitting to infinity - or else, keep trying by measuring it - and that is why the Universe is there as an excercise to reach infinity by submission/total surrender to Absolute, alone - implies Srimad Bhagwad Gita, which described the Truth of the Universe, more than 5000 years ago.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
The concept of the space-time block universe agrees with Avatar system of Creator-in-Creation and Creation-in-Creator manifestation of Cosmic Virat (All-in-One and One-in-all) existence revealed in Srimad Bhagavad Gita. In this manifestation, consciousness pervades throughout the creation uniformly, but expressed to different extents/dimensions of past, present and future. Avatars of this True Consciousness may incarnate at any level(s) to make rare corrections in past (fish, turtle, ape, etc); present (human) and/or future (super-human e.g., Krishna) levels. Such Avatars are kind of time travellers, which come as visitors without being attached to past, present and future (Akal timeless beings) and vanish from the scene after bringing about the needful intervention in the Cosmos.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Universe is an illusion, ("leela") of which our mind is a part. Truth is beyond all creation or Par-Brahmn. Method to find Truth is to fix our mind or meditate on One unchanging (Akaal or timeless God), surrender all we learn or acquire (mind-universe interactive results/achievements). Such a mind fixed on Truth, experiences all the future that is now behind us in the expanding universe instataniously because when the Greatest Truth actually manifests, the space-time matrix illusion automatically disappers declares Ancient Wisdom and proved to the seeker Arjuna, as per Srimad Bhagvad Gita.
Friday, November 11, 2022
The whole universe enjoys freedom, but Earth is like a jail ('durg' in Sanskrit), where all earthlings have to wear a jail uniform made of protoplasm and maintain it for the whole life of pleasure & pain - a training program to evolve into fair-and-good human beings through series of birth-life-death cycles - to be promoted to hold charge of other planets, worlds, galaxies, etc., spread across realms of time and space. This explanation derives from Srimad Bhagavad Gita' s Cosmic Revelation of the Greatest Truth of all time.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Atma/soul is eternal; matter-energy may become it's variable identities for various roles in the universe. When atma wears sun, it becomes Sun-god and controls behaviour/properties of our Sun. Likewise, if Atma wears human, fish, tree, microbe, etc matter-energy wherewithal - it becomes it's body Identity till that body remains a workable/usable machine/system. When a workable system becomes unusable, it is discarded as 'dead' and its Atma with life-long gist of experiences enters the next usable form (rebirth with infinite quantized possibilities within Godhood unlimited), implies Srimad Bhagavad Gita. So, death is just like discard off nonperforming protoplasmic or other matter-energy clothes and wearing new ones, explained Sri Krishna about 5500 years ago.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
How to transcend Infinity and enjoy Eternal Bliss?
Universe or Creation is analogous to an ' Up-side-down peepal tree' with uncountable leaves representing the Visible worlds, invisible branches (dark matter and dark energy) connecting the leaves are uncountable gods/goddesses headed by Lord Brahman, with thick tree-stem representing Lord Shiva/Shiv Linga, and roots representing God Almighty Vishnu. Except the roots (eternal Truth/Satya Narayan or Vishnu), all else are relative (ever-changing illusion) : Srimad Bhagvad Gita and Vedic literature. No material object/identity can reach the real beginning of the ever-expanding universe. 'Only the essence of life, called Atma (mother of atoms or soul) can reach the source/Truth of the Universe instantaneously due to God appearing in devotee's heart, if the living being (especially, the wisest human being) is able to surrender totally (forgo pride of ego and worldly possessions) to Eternal Truth/at Lord Vishnu's feet, in order to experience the eternal Bliss called, Truth-Consciousness-Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda or Moksh)' - Ancient Wisdom. Current information on infinite galaxies time-space-mattrix, provided by modern Science, too endorses this view.
Friday, October 7, 2022
Mankind is wonder-stuck to note the current seenario of information being revealed about the un-ending universe as revealed by telescopes installed in space. With a life-span of average 100 years, man is inquisitive as how to travel for billions of years to know the beginning of the infinite universe. Science-fiction has coined a quick-fix solution, 'wormhole' to cut across the barrier of infine time-space lattice to travel across infinity with mind, body and soul. Wormhole is an imaginary tunnel to cross creation so as to reach its origin. This concept has been earliest dealt with in Srimad Bhagvad Gita as the process called 'sharnagat', meaning to surrender to infinity rather than growing or travelling to cross infinity. Surrender requires leaving relativity (mass-energy interplay) behind, so as to reach its origin. Those rishis who have earlier achieved this state are Sunak adi - four saints, who do not age and continue to travel across the universe and visit anywhere as immortals.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Life on this earth is a consistent story of 'perishiables' wanting to live ever for ever. When we dig our past to know who we are/were, solid evidence is for our dominance of existence as huge diansaurs earlier - the most advanced rulers of earth then. Perhaps, that kind of things happened only on earth (death world/ 'mritue lok')? The question, is if we/intelligent beings failed to understand 'dinasaur values' then, can we understand the 'human values' now? It is sad to see space science is carrying perishables like viruses, microbes, etc., (and their problems of existence) to other planets, without applying mind as to why, life - we belive it not to exist elsewhere in the universe, we are now exploring with modern science? Does it mean that our intelligence has made us more dangerous than any other species existing on this earth. If that is so, that may be a wake up call for bodies like UNO, to meditate on their role.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Past, present and future are expressions of CHANGE. Wherever things/situations change, nothing is real, all is illusion. Therefore, according to Sanatan/Ancient Wisdom, ever-changing creation or universe is an illusion,. but the Creator/God alone is changeless and above or beyond the creation (Par-Btahmn), that is beyond dimensions of time and space or non-aging/unwearing (Akaal or Yugal Kishore) Real Self. Our observations and/or experiences what-so-ever, by being within the ever-changing universe suffer from illusion of the uncertainty principle. According to Srimad Bhagavad Gita, one/experimenter/seeker has got to be detached from the ever-changing world to realise the eternal Truth, the cause of all causes. Vedic knowledge describes only four such individuals, who achieved this state of existence - Sunak Adi Rishis - who have therefore, achieved aglessness and could thus visit anywhere in the universe, whenever they wanted. Today, scientists and astronomists/astronomers are viewing billions or trillions of galaxies (each containing trillions of stars/planets,etc) present millions/billions of light years away from our earth, with the help of massive telescopes carried into the space laboratories, and as yet without any hope of actually visiting these distant worlds.
Friday, July 22, 2022
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Monday, February 14, 2022
No problem, no malice, no competition, no jealousy, no fear, no anger, no disease, no aging, no death, no suffering, and the universe is at your service on your wish - a blissful state, which, even the heavens yearn to achieve. Achieving Vaikuntha state/place means no return to earth again through birth-suffer-death cycles. So, earthling cannot describe Vaikuntha. Srimad Bhagvad Gita also, just makes a passing reference to it (like there are no problems, disease, malice, aging, death etc.), no sun is required there, too, perhaps God Almighty Lord Vishnu shines there, giving Vaikuntha citizens eternal Bliss; all residents of Vakuntha are practically at Lord Vishnu’s Param-Sidha-level of consciousness with their own universe-creation (Brahmaji) and chiseling (Shiva). Vaikuntha residents are almost at par with Bliss state of Vishnu or God Almighty. It is a state of total liberation from suffering, what so ever, and perhaps, penultimate to dissolution in God i.e., MOKSH.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Many people wonder why worship, what purpose, and who to worship? The question on worship of variety of prophets, gurus, avatars, angels, demigods, etc., has been dealt with clearly in question-answer conversation (Arjun-Krishna discussion) in Srimad Bhagvad Gita. Cosmic revealation of ONE GOD, Vasudheva Virat Brahman/Supreme Godhead declared : 1. Form worship is easier than worship of Formless God. 2. Devotee reaches the level/stature of the form of god/goddess worshiped in the heaven(s) and comes back to earth through rebirth after devotee’s good deeds are exhausted. (“Jo hai jisko bhavta, so tahi ke pass” understood St Kabir). 3. Demigod worship is meant mainly for worldly wishfulfiment (Ganesha for removing hurdles, Hanumanji and Ma Durga for giving protection against evil, enemy, etc; Maha-Ishwar Shiva fulfills all the wordly wishes and takes the Bhakta to DOOR of Moksha/Mukti-dwar and imparts His bhakta with a Raam or Hari mantra to achieve Moksha if the devotee seeks bliss. For example Lord Shiva gave ‘Hari/Vishnu’ name to His consort Ma Parvati saying “Uma kahun mai anubhav apna, satya HARI bhajan jagat ik sapna - Ramayan”.) All vedic mantras of demigods are empowered by God Almighty’s abstract name i.e., OM (OM Ganeshai namah, OM namah Shivai, OM durga durgarti ..etc). All Hindu/vedic worships first define OM as HARI-hi-OM. This is fully endorsed in Gita, wherein Lord Vishnu’s manifestation declares that ‘I alone materialize all boons given by all gods/goddess as 'I' am OM). Gita asserts that TOTAL SURRENDER of ego only to Perfection/Param-Satya or faultless/nirvikar FORM of Parmeshwar Vishnu ALONE can liberate the bhakta/devotee from un-ending cycles of birth-suffer-death (“Vande Vishnu bhav-bhaya-haram”) because that alone avoids trips to heaven-earth-hell through an infininte leap of the bhakta to the greatest destination (state of eternal bliss) in Vaikuntha-Param Dhaam by achieving Param Sidha state of existence.
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Sri Hari-Har is son of Lord Shiva and Vishva Mohini (most beautiful woman of the world) - an Avatar of Lord Vishnu, who took form to render the devs/gods immortal with amrit obtained from samudra manthan (churning of ocean). Samudra manthan did happen perhaps millions of year ago as per the ‘continent drift theory’ of science, wherein present continents and the Himalyan mountain range were formed with shells and other ocean things being splashed out (available as ‘fossils’ even now in Nepal). In this mega project of Sagar manthan, Lord Vishnu inspired both the disciplined beings (Devs/Surs/gods) and the indisciplined deviants or asurs/rakshasas to team up in search of sharing ocean wealth and amrit (nectar of immortality). When gods/surs and demons/asurs had an un-ending fight to snatch the amrit to become immortal, Lord Vishnu took incarnation of the most irresistable beautiful woman (Mohini) to draw total attention of surs/asurs away from amrit contention. When Lord Brahmaji could not resist admiring Mohinl’s beauty with his five faces and 10 eyes, Lord Shiva also developed five faces (punch mukhi Shiva) to admire Mohini’s beauty. All gods and rakshasas/asurs, then flatly followed Mohini’s advice of arbiterating between both teams involved in the sagar manthan project. The Dev-Asur battle then came to an end, with Mohini distributing amrit to devs and wine to asurs/rakshasas. As Lord Shiva admired Mohini the most - Mohini married Lord Shiva and gave birth to their son Sri Hari Haran.
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