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Thursday, December 20, 2012


You and Me have always existed and there shall never be a time that we cease to exist; despair not! This is the assurance from God, describing Himself in first person in Srimad Bhagwad Gita. This enunciates a universal 'law of conservation' arising from our true existence.

We may appear to exist in different apparent forms for different apparent purposes at different phases of time and space only, to perform a prescribed duty as per will of God. An analogy is different duties/jobs performed by different forms of my cells - nerve, heart, skin, kidney, etc are all a service to my whole body which, now represents me and yet, eternally represents Me.

The only way to cut out the illusion/maya separating He, You and Me is to keep uttering in mind all the time 'He and me are ONE eternal Truth' explains God to a devotee which, in His OWN words is the greatest mantra "OM Tat Sat"!

Whether this universe exists in present expanded version or contracts into a smallest speck ('God particle'), it does not really matter. Like, computor game of a child is solely for his entertainment - creation(birth), maintenace(life) and destruction(death) cannot end our eternal reality. Broaden the chest by taking long breath telling the mind "Om tat Sat" and relax letting out the breath for ease thanking God to have given us a chance to entertain Him. God has only one job:  keep His word and play with us again and again.