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Thursday, September 23, 2010


Creation of universe is the first intelligent question mankind has ever asked. Even the most ancient sources of knowledge like Vedas and Bhagwat Gita have dwelled on this question. First these scriptures declare: "Yatha brahmande tatha pinde and yatha pinde tatha brahmande" meaning "Like universe like body and like body like universe". Which means body of living-beings and composition of universe is same (matter & energy). Second declaration these scriptures make is that universe was created instantaneously from "Maha-shunya" or "smallest-nothing" in God's naval, like an opening lotus flower (means universe is always expanding). Bhagwat Gita demonstrates to select enightened persons (like scientists who devise the required wherewithal to make minute & rare observations) the whole universe lies in God's form-Vishnu's abdomen. Baby Krishna also demonstrated the same to His mother Yashodha by opening His mouth. One limitation with material science is that it cannot prove the existence of property-less soul, which is considered by the ancient wisdom as the cause of creation. That is why, man considers himself to be different from other living-beings on this earth. Whereas, the ancient wisdom declares, that the same soul/atma expresses itself in diverse properties of matter-energy assmblies of 8.4 million living species. For material scientists to understand this discrepency, another quantum leap is yet required to be made with saints and scientists holding joint conferences and workshops and working with one-another's tools. Provided all the weapons of destruction the material scientists have made, in fear of fellow-men, do not explode first.

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