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Sunday, September 24, 2023
During Churning of ocean or Sagar manthan, part of moon did come out as mentioned in the Hindu mythology: " Chandra / moon: a crescent, claimed by Shiva). Scientific explanation could be that a spinning meteor fell from the space then splashing out water and rocks from the ocean on the earlier earth, back to space which combined with other metors rocks revolving around the early Earth to shape into the present version of our Moon. Another simulation study suggests the about 4.5 billion years ago, a protoplanet, Theia, roughly of planet Mars size, slammed into proto-Earth to create Moon, and two mysterious blobs in Earth's mantle, forming rocks of thousands of kilometers, slightly denser than the rocks around (Ref 3).(Anyone may save the reference links given below on Google search and see more details.)
Reference 1. BGR Home-Science-News.
Water on the Moon could have an unexpected source, a new study suggests. By Joshua Hawkins
Published Sep 24th, 2023 9:02AM EDT. Link
Reference 2.
Reference 3 Nature News November 1, 2023.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Ram, Lakshman and Sita, walked from Ayodhya located in province Uttar Pradesh, Bharat/India to Sri Lanka, during the 14-year exile period and all the places they walked through are well-known pilgrimages now. Ram Sena did not create stones for building first ever known sea bridge, the Ram Setu, from Rameshwaram, India to Sri Lanka. They selected specific pre-existing Choral/other stones for building the bridge wherever sea water was deep. Archaological Survey of India (ASI), therefore erred in interpretation by calling it Nature-made bridge rather than man-made with Nature-made stones. Thus, Supreme court of India rejected the then government's illogical contention. Monkey versus dianasaur fossils reference pleaded by ASI was uncalled for in this case. Both Ramayan and Mahabharat epics mark the use of clothes by some affluent people then. This is endorsed by description of a clothes washerman (Dhobi) blaming King Raam and Draupadi's sari being attempted to be pulled out unsuccessfully, by the Kauravas. Vanars (van+nars/men) and Jama Vant were jungle/forest based tribal early human societies who wore animal skins/hides (langoor and bear skin, etc) as dress just like Lord Shiva wore tiger skin, prior to Ram avatar. Ravan's army spy, Mareech wore spotted deer skin to confuse Sita, thinking it to be golden deer. Many people settled near Earth's North pole have been wearing animal hides as clothes, till recent times. Obviously, Jamavant wore bear skin clothing and Hanumanji wore langoor/monkey skin but they were early-humans in reality. This becomes clear from the description in Ramayan that Vajrangi (earlier name of Hanumanji) first met Sri Raam as a Sanskrit-speaking scholar. Vajrangi started dressing Himself as a langoor/monkey when Lor Raam, called
Him Hanuman, for the first time ever. In Epic Ramayan, they were affectionately referred to as monkey army just as today in cricket matches, some teams are referred to as Kangaroos, Kiwis, etc with affection by the media. Even till date, some Nicobar tribes do not wear clothes.Thus, wearing hand-woven clothes by affluent people has existed in India since the Ramayan times,over 6000 years ago.
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Maharishi Manu lived about 6-7 thousand years ago. He gave this World first ever system of social administration as intellectuals (Brahmins), Defence security and farmers (Kshatryias), businessmen (Vaishyas), and labor force (Kshudras), as per their capabilities then (and not by birth). As of now, the same system of social administration prevails in all developed societies of the world. After Maharishi Manu's life, people gave their own work/job to their own children and grand children and indulged in nepotism and from this actually arose a professional caste-system, which Maharishi Manu never implied during his life-time. Even today Prime Minister's, Chief Minister's, Actor's, Politician's, etc child is being roped in to parents position - this is the real problem of perpetuation of the professional caste-system, and not the genius Maharishi Manu. Blaming Maharishi Manu for perpetuation of 'jaat-vaad' is like blaming the great scientist Newton for discovering laws motion, leading to all traffic accidents. If politicians give a commitment not to promote their children, kith and kin, into their own profession or seats of power, or Election Commissions implement this rule, democracies can be saved from favoratism and caste perpetuation. Even in days of Lord Rama, caste was not by birth, with examples like the great intellectual,Maharishi Valmiki (who was not a Brahmin by birth), the Guru of Lord Rama's sons, first known poet to the world, as the original author of epic book Ramayan. Similarly, the Rishi Vishva Mitra was not a Brahmin by birth. Of course, nepotism sucked the Indian Society, during Lord Krishn's period, beset with Eklavya peeping into confidential war training to Pandav brothers, which actually amounted to spying on military training by an outsider. Karan, of course, suffered because of his bringing up by a non-kshatryia family. Even in other professions like doctor, halwai, carpenter, cobbler, mistry, etc., children are being groomed into parental profession. This may happen anywhere and everywhere. Sanatan Wisdom, which started with the passing of Vedic knowledge from Lord Vishnu to Lord Brahmaji lakhs of years ago, when mankind had not even surfaced on earth, has nothing to do with the misuse of caste system by selfish people trying to grab power and money and blaming Ancient Wisdom for their short-term gains. It can be seen inflicting even those, who have already left Sanatan Dharma and adopted foreign language/religion/system names and surnames. Even, selfish aspirants who have even renounced God, appear to indulge in nepotism. Judiciary, Electoral bodies, political big wigs may therefore, join to eradicate nepotism from power/money/occupation game, so as to save democracies of the world.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
In our body, old cells keep dying and getting replaced by daughter cells, as if re-incarnated with full, more, or less or altered memory to continue their duty performance. The cells in our body co-operate to make our organs do specialized work, and organs cooperation make us one individual with modelled expertise. We co-operate with people, animals, plants, microbiome and work in a team relationship - decreed as "Vasudhaev kutumbkam" (Ancient Vedic Wisdom), meaning that the whole Uni- meta- or multiverse is ONE family with God Almighty at its Virat Cosmic Center. Every individual performer goes through cycles of birth-life-death and evolving into more effective holistic system. This happens only if the generations can retain and improve upon the skills acquired during each lifespan -- this process essentially means re-incarnation, implies Srimad Bhagavad Gita. This happens irrespective of whether individual beings may or may not be able to appreciate, understand or realise this. Few understand quantum mechanics, yet it works at the minutest levels of materials. Likewise, without total dedication to Truthful procedures described in Sanatan scriptures, subtle concepts of reincarnation cannot be explained or realized without total and genuinely sincerest approach to life's commitments. According to quantum mechanics, matter may not really exist and that death is essentially shedding matter, and nothing more, and thus unreal.
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Creator is real (unchanging eternal Truth), but creation (space-time uni/multiverse) is illusion - concluded Sanatan Wisdom, many millennia ago. Modern science is now seemingly, at least indirectly, tending to endorse this concept of illusionary varying 'axial field' (described as matter-energy kaleidoscopic 'maya' in Sanatan Wisdom). To quote the latest research: "Home News Science & Astronomy", which proposes that:
"The expansion of the universe could be a mirage, new theoretical study suggests. By Robert Lea published 1 day ago" (see Ref 1, below).
New research looking at the cosmological constant problem suggests the expansion of the universe could be an illusion. Modern Science is clueless about the Creator, defined in Sanatan Wisdom as atma-ParamAtma duality, doing the trick of cosmos as a sport. Time (kaal) is the extra variable, added by Modern Science to complicate the problem, already explained by Sanatan Wisdom as semi-real end of confusion as 'Maha-kaal'/death. More application/meditation of focused mind is yet required by material scientists to realise the nonchanging Eternal/Akaal Reality, which the Sanatan seekers realised as propertyless, the great-nothing "maha-shunya" (Aum) or All-properties-full Virat Cosmic manifestation (reference: Srimad Bhagavad Gita).
Ref 1:
News Science & Astronomy,
The expansion of the universe could be a mirage, new theoretical study suggests
By Robert Lea published June 21, 2023.
New research looking at the cosmological constant problem suggests the expansion of the universe could be an illusion.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
When Lord Vishnu took an incarnation/avatar of a rule-bound and law-abiding man (maryada purushottam) Ram, Lord Shiva joined Him as monkey-faced Hanuman. Also, Lord Brahma ji joined them as bear-faced Jama Vant. All of them were fractional incarnations of this Trinity. They portrayed ups and downs of life (stuggle) on earth, and demonstrated that Truth alone finally prevails (" Satyamev jayate") and NOT lies woven to cover truth ("Na anritam"). Lord Hanumanji demonstrated how to achieve 'total surrender with full dedication of duty' to God Almighty (Hari Ram), long before it was advised in Srimad Bhagwad Gita by the only Full-incarnation/Purna-avatar of Vishnu, Krishna to us through a great warrior, Arjuna. Wisdom of Gita endorsed by Cosmic manifestation of God Almighty's Virat Form,transformed confused Arjuna to become the greatest human devotee (Sarva-shreshth sharnagat) of God Almighty - manifested as Param Brahman PARMESHWAR in Universal Cosmic form, in order to achieve Moksh/God-hood. Thus Gita is regarded as the conclusion the Vedas (Vishnu vani/voice of Vishnu), because Vedas do not clarify (not this-that or neti neti) as to what and who is God Almighty among inumerable gods and goddesses described therein. Srimad Bhagwad Gita clearly explains work and duty ethics for self and societal management, authenticated by both formless (Brilliance of uncountable suns shining with vibration O.....M or AUM) and also Form of God Almighty, Mahavishnu (all forms in ONE Cosmic Virat God) Who resides (Vasu) in all forms including 330 million demigods/godesses (Dev), combined into ONE Vasudev: Vasudhev ekam. Thus one Maha mantra: "Om namo Bhagwateh Vasudevai" completes all rituals, worship, japa,simran, bowing, etc to ONE God Almighty inclusive of all deities, avatars, prophets, and all their material and spiritual powers and phenomena.
Supplementary knowledge reference:
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
According to Srimad Bhagvad Gita, only Soul/Atma is real and eternal; body (consisting of matter and energy) is its present work uniform (protoplasm) and temporary identity of the soul. Also, Atma is an integral part God Almighty/Param-Atma, and cause of existence from smallest nothing (Maha Shunya) to greatest Infinity (Virat). Universe is illusion of matter (Bhu devi) and energy (Shree devi) guided by consciousness (Sarasvati devi), seated in the soul and expressed by body (DNA, RNA, protein, lipid, membranes, etc). Expansion of Mahashunya to Virat Cosmic manifestation of God, revealed in Bhagvad Gita is analogous to science of big bang of singularity to multitude of space-time properties of the expanding universe. Brilliance of thousands of suns shinig at the same time, seen by Arjuna and others, as described in Bhagvad Gita, seemingly refers to intense energy initially produced by the big bang theory of science. Galaxies observed in the Cosmos,recorded through powerful telescopes by modern astronomers seem to represent Sudarshan chakras released by God Vishnu's Vishvarupa revealed in the epic Mahabharatha. The so called 'black holes' seen at the centres of most galaxies, appear to represent finger-tip of God Vishnu releasing Sudarshan Chakra(s) as a weapon to destroy wrong-doers, duly described in the epic Mahabharatha. The invisible dark matter and dark energy, proposed to exist in the uni-multiverse in Science, reminds of Mahakal and Mahakali, respectively, well descript in scriptures of Ancient Wisdom.
Recent scientific research work on the role of dark energy in production of new stars from the black hole in the center of large galaxies, in a way supports above ancient knowledge. According to this research paper "One of the great mysteries in astronomy is how galaxies form. At issue is why stars gather into “island universes” rather than spreading out evenly through the universe.
One clue comes from the observation that most galaxies contain massive black holes at their centers. That has led to the proposal that galaxies form around black holes which act as seeds for this process.
But there is a problem with this idea. If it is true, something must stop stars from falling into black holes as they form, but nobody knows what." It proposes that dark energy, present everywhere, perhaps pushes out the stars from falling back into the black hole and helping them stay in 'wings/circles' of the galaxies.
Black Hole Theory Finally Explains How Galaxies Form.
Astronomers have discovered supermassive black holes at the center of numerous galaxies, including our own. Now a new theory explains why.
The Physics arXiv Blog iconThe Physics arXiv BlogBy The Physics arXiv BlogJan 12, 2022 8:22 AM (
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
It must be clear to all that Hindus worship just ONE God Almighty called OM, defined as "Hari hi Om", and that empowers all various or koti koti demigods (included as fractional parts of just One Cosmic/Virat God), first manifested in Srimad Bhagwad Gita. Gita explains that all various gods/goddesses constituting 'kingdom of God', are just meant for granting specific desired short-term boons which end after living life on earth. Srimad Bhagwad Gita makes it absolutely clear that Central Sanctorum of Virat manifestation (Maha Vishnu) alone, has to be worshipped as "sharnagat" submission with total surrender of ego in order to achieve the the final destination of Moksh/eternal Bliss/Vaikuntha. Thus, Hindus worship innumerable demigods for short term gains in life in this world; only few Brahm gianees get detached from temporary worldly gains and start following Gita advice by performing nishkam karma/selfless duty dedicated to One God Almighty with worship mantra "Hari Om tat sat or Om tat sat Narayana" for achieving Eternal Bliss. Thus, Hinduism is a complete religion in order to achieve best in this world and best thereafter. This information as defined by Gita, is so confidential, that even Vedas did not grasp it and were content with "neti neti/not this - not that" explanation of what and who is God Almighty.Even today Gita knowledge is extremely confidential and difficult to realize/"durlabh" despite the fact that it is openly and widely available to mankind for the last about 5000 years. Most people yet, continue to blindly pursue their ever-changing worldly desires by unwittingly submitting to imperfect-and-perishable gurus, tantricks, prophets, religious heads, innumerable fractional gods/goddesses, etc. Hari hi Om tat sat!
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Monday, April 3, 2023
Scientist have discovered that trillions of the body cells contain the same DNA, expressing differently in different body organs and cells at different times, as per specific requirements and situations. Likewise, sages and spiritualists, meditating on Truth have realized the spiritual oneness of all the existence with One Cosmic God. As DNA can be expressionless with all its attributes, and yet express in any way; God can be property-less and yet, capable of expressing as nature, matter, energy, etc. Also, according to quantum mechanics, matter does not exist in reality, as it turns out to be wave only. Scientists and sages may thus collaborate to know the reality, which at least is NOT material in nature. Spiritualists call this reality as ATMA/soul and rationalists like to address it as CONSCIOUSNESS.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Wherever, there is Love, there is responsibility, in the whole animal kingdom. Love is an enjoyable feeling which creates willing teamwork for secure performance of basic duties in life. Evolution of man is accompanied by a generation and systematic use of certain body chemicals optimally deployed via sensory stimuli. Beauty adds zeal to work happily. Love and beauty are two powerful tools of Nature, to get essential work done in, perhaps whole of the animal kingdom. Other instincts like envy, fear, lust, greed, anger, attachment, etc., may in addition, act as secondary management tools more for personal safety and security. In the plant kingdom, however, much simpler level of consciousness seems to work. Nonetheless, basic food for survival of living species comes from this vegetative consciousness.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Sunday, January 22, 2023
There are four kinds of people who remember Me on this earth?.... Ist) Who are in trouble/pain and wish relief; 2nd) Who offer a business-like deal to bring people in my fold say by religious convresions, making relilgious orgainizations, places of worship, etc to glorify Me in return of worldly benefits, 3rd) Who wish to fathom/meisure Me (intellectuals, academics/researchers), and last 4th) who love and surrender ego to reach Me. O Arjuna, I meet only those who totally surrender to Me (4th category): declarares Cosmic/Virat/Infinite God in Srimad Bhagwad Gita. Scientists fall in the 3rd category. Though all categories of 'worshipers' gain/progress on earth, or reach heavens\other planets/worm holes/oblivion (Trikshankus) , only those who bow to infinity unconditionally (total surrender to God Almighty) reach My state of Eternal Bliss: Ancient Wisdom.
Sunday, January 15, 2023
How ocean spoke to Lord Rama? All gunas/properties/characteristics of everything in the Universe and beyond are set/made by God and rediscovered by men and women of science, art, technology, religion, etc., who may thus contribute to expansion of knowldege by focusing their mind by hardwork, meditation etc. Great scientists, yogees, men/women of focus may also record these discoveries as scriptures like Vedas, Ramayan, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Bible, textbooks, research journals, etc. Those who can concentrate like Lord Rama can hear ocean, wind, vulture,squirrel, tree, etc. Ayurveda knowledge initially came from deep focused conversation with plants by Rishis. Scientists like Kekule could hear/dream about structure of benzene, Newton question an apple to discover gravity. Similarly, even most useless politicians can focus on how to befool maximum numbers of voters by raising human biases, petty gains, distributing freebies, etc., in order to carve out their vote banks and snatch power by hook or crook - biggest threat to democracies.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita says that caste is a profession by work and not birth. Krishna was a cowboy (Yadav) turning into a kshatria king later and Maharishi Vyas was a Brahmin by work and not birth. Others for example, Acharya/Guru Vishwamitra was Kshatriya by birth and Brahmin by work, Chandrgupta Morya was Kshatriya by work but not birth; Acharya Kotilya (father of political science and diplomacy) was Vashya by birth and Brahmin by work; Maharishi Valmiki - original author of Ramayan and Guru of Lord Rama's sons was a non-brahmin by birth yet a Brahmin by work. There are other equivalent examples of 'castes' like smith/jadeja, boulanger/baker/cook/khansama/rasoyia, singer/gayakwad. They are all by work and not birth, unless parents coerce their children into family profession and create a fixed caste. Politicians may therefore desist from propagating and legitimizing caste systems in society to divide their people for narrow political vote-bank gains. Democracies must therefore, seriously find a foolproof system to bring people of grit and exemplary character into poltics and cull out blind opportunism in order to deliver good governance, or else perish into oblivion.
Monday, January 9, 2023
Nature is the image of God - Ancient Wisdom. Nature (Energy= mass x square of velocity of light, Einstein equation) is also held in high esteem in Ancient Wisdom as feminine version of God. Aceptance of image (for example, accepting our own mirror image /photograph for our identity) as supreme is commonest way of accepting supremacy of self-generating (by 'big bang' from nothing/Mahshunya to Svayambhu universal cosmic expansion/Virat manifestation) principle of Ancient Wisdom. Ancient Wisdom also explains energy as consumable /usable energy, as kinetic/moving radiation/light (Luxmi) and fixed/potential energy or mass (Bhu Devi) and their convertibility relationship/principle (square of velocity of radiation/light) as knowledge (Saraswati). All these principles of energy management are handled by God Almighty/Paramatma (the greatest soul or neutral/propertyless/nirgun Mahashunya Almighty Parmatma) claimed as origin of the Universe (big bang, described as sudden appearance of a point brilliance of uncountable suns - Srimad Bhagwad Gita). In addition Srimad Bhagwad Gita also demonstrates, that in being Sarv Shaktimaan/Supreme God Almighty too, assumes Nirgun or Sagun states. Sagun may have all forms/properties in One Virat Cosmic manifestation. Science accepts this analogy as particles also exist as waves at the same moment of time, in quantum mechanics. Ancient Wisdom regards all those who worship Nature/Creation as Adi Shakti(E=mc^2) or propertyless/nirgun/'Shaligram' point-source/Vishvanu or God particle as theists or believers of God. Even, worshipers of four-armed human/Narayan Vishnu with new-born Universe/Brahmaji instantlly arising from Vishnu's naval, are regarded as theists/believers of God. Scientists/astronomers like Hawking and others may thus be considered as Nature worshipers or Shakti/Energy believers as supernatural poweror God. Appreciation of creation is essentially appreciation of Creator (not yet discovered by Science). Problem with modern science is that it accepts only that can be studied and proved and not what still remains to be studied in future and proven. Science is a continuing process and therefore, denying the existence of God on the basis of what is known or proved today, is unjustifiable.
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